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Monastery Today
Photos of our monastery today.

Monastery Church entrance

A Sister doing "Lectio Divina".
This sister is in her bedroom doing "lectio"- a prayerful meditation on Scripture.

Our cemetery.
When a Sister dies, she is buried in our cemetery behind the Church.

Monastery Church entrance
For information on each photo, bring the mouse over the photo. This also allows you to move more quickly through the slides, if you wish.
Monastery Time Schedule.

4.20 : Vigils
7:15: Lauds
7.50: Eucharist
8.45: Terce
(9.30 to 12.00: Work)
12.15: Sext
12.30: Main Meal
14.30: None
(14.45 until 16.45: Work)
17.30: Vespers
19.30: Compline
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